by Enrique Jerez | Jun 19, 2020
Salesianos La propuesta persigue un punto de encuentro entre la ciudad que siempre ha sido, la edificabilidad exigida y las nuevas necesidades de espacio público y dotacional, evitando una solución ensimismada y ajena a la propia ciudad. El proyecto pretende dar...
by Enrique Jerez | Jun 19, 2020
LBL apartment The project’s purpose was the whole renovation and redesign of a small apartment, measuring 50 m2, which is usually occupied by one person. The original dwelling was a consequence of the Spanish property speculation that took place during the 1990´s....
by Enrique Jerez | Jun 19, 2020
San Francisco Park Space, Tenerife El programa que se plantea en este concurso lo convierte en un lugar inevitablemente denso, tanto en su continente como en su contenido. Uno de los objetivos del proyecto es conseguir que esa densidad no se traduzca en una...
by Enrique Jerez | Jun 19, 2020
2in1 house Despite its modesty, designing a house for a specific client is, probably, the most demanding and fascinating challenge for an architect. One of the objects of this job, which went on for 5 years, was to design 2 similar houses for 2 brothers, avoiding...
by Enrique Jerez | Jun 19, 2020
El sitio de mi recreo The house is located in Caleruega, a small village in Burgos, near Ribera del Duero vineyards. The project respects the strict urban regulations from this place. The client is a couple that currently lives in the city and only uses the house for...