New book, with Amparo Bernal: Miradas Compartidas. 3 Citas Domésticas en torno a la Arquitectura. JEREZ, Enrique; BERNAL, Amparo (eds.): Miradas Compartidas. 3 Citas Domésticas en torno a la Arquitectura. Ediciones Asimétricas, Madrid, 2021.With introducción by Javier...
The school for early music and piano education YOGLAR, published by ON Diseño 393, dedicated to teaching centres. JEREZ, Enrique; LEAL, Blanca: “Yoglar. Escuela de educación musical temprana y piano/ Yoglar. School for early music and piano education”, “CENTROS PARA...
2019_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Edition with Javier Monclús, professor of Urbanism at Universidad de Zaragoza, of ZARCH 13, “Las huellas de lo efímero / the traces of the ephemeral”. Besides other articles, the journal publishes an interview with the Dutch architect Winy Maas, partner of MVRDV,...
2019_ _ _ _ _ _
Article with Iñaki Bergera on journal RA, n.21: “Arquitectura expuesta. Tránsitos artísticos de la representación fotográfica de la arquitectura / Exhibited architecture. Artistic transitions on architectural photographic representation”. BERGERA, Iñaki; JEREZ,...